Friday, April 17, 2009

5 Movies That Bring Back The Inspiration

Alright here are 5 movies that I watch every once in awhile to keep me in check...
*these movies are more guy flicks than chick flicks...Top 5 chick flicks coming soon ;D

1. Man Over Material: Fight Club (1999)
This movie tells men to just be men. Forget all the Calvin Klein, Gucci, BMW's, and Blackberrys.
"Self improvement is masturbation"

2. Beating The Odds: Rudy (1993)
Always a classic. True story of an underdog. Even though I don't feel like an underdog, whenever I need motivation to study or bring back the passion missing in my life, I turn to this movie and watch how Rudy defies the odds by hardwork and perseverance. 
"I wanted to run out of that Tunnell for my dad to prove to everyone that I worked..." Prove what?" "That I was somebody..."

3. Getting Back What's Yours: 
Count of Monte Cristo (2002) / Shawshank Redemption
Count of Monte Cristo:"God has everything to do with it. He's everywhere. He sees everything." 
Shawshank Redemption: "Get busy living...or get busy dying..."
4. The True Code Between Friends: 친구 "Friend" (2001)
Reminds me of who my true friends are and what they mean to me.
"친구끼리...미안한 거 없다.."
Translation: "There's nothing to be sorry between true friends..."

5. Christmas Spirit: Elf (2003)
Whenever I'm not in the Christmas spirit, I watch this movie...or just whenever I need to have a good laugh.
"It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me... "

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